class JS::Object

A JS::Object represents a JavaScript object. Note that JS::Object can represent a JavaScript object that represents a Ruby object (RbValue).


A simple object access:

require 'js'
document =[:document]   # => # [object HTMLDocument]
document[:title]                  # => "Hello, world!"
document[:title] = "Hello, Ruby!"

document.write("Hello, world!")   # is equivalent to the following:, "Hello, world!")
js_obj = JS.eval(<<-JS)
  return {
    method1: function(str, num) {
      // str is a JavaScript string and num is a JavaScript number.
      return str.length + num
    method2: function(rbObject) {
      // Call String#upcase method for the given Ruby object (RbValue).
# Non JS::Object args are automatically converted to JS::Object by `to_js`.
js_obj.method1("Hello", 5) # => 10
js_obj.method2(JS::Object.wrap("Hello, Ruby"))
# => "HELLO, RUBY" (JS::Object)

Inherit BasicObject to prevent define coventional menthods. Override the ‘Object#send` to give priority to `send` method of JavaScript.

This is to make it easier to use JavaScript Objects with ‘send` method such as `WebSocket` and `XMLHttpRequest`. The JavaScript method call short-hand in `JS::Object` is implemented using `method_missing`. If JS::Object inherits from Object, the `send` method defined in Ruby will take precedence over the JavaScript `send` method. If you want to call the JavaScript `send` method, you must use the `call` method as follows:

ws =[:WebSocket].new("ws://"), ["Hello, world! from Ruby"])

This inheritation allows you to call the JavaScript ‘send` method with the following syntax:

ws.send("Hello, world! from Ruby")

Public Class Methods

JS::Object.wrap(obj) → JS::Object click to toggle source

Returns obj wrapped by JS class RbValue.

static VALUE _rb_js_obj_wrap(VALUE obj, VALUE wrapping) {
  return jsvalue_s_new(rb_js_abi_host_rb_object_to_js_rb_value());
  return jsvalue_s_new(

Public Instance Methods

==(other) → boolean

Performs “==” comparison, a.k.a the “Abstract Equality Comparison” algorithm defined in the ECMAScript. If the given other object is not a JS::Object, try to convert it to a JS::Object using JS.try_convert. If the conversion fails, returns false.

Alias for: eql?
self[prop] → JS::Object click to toggle source

Returns the value of the property:[:Object][:console][:log]
static VALUE _rb_js_obj_aref(VALUE obj, VALUE key) {
  struct jsvalue *p = check_jsvalue(obj);
  rb_js_abi_host_string_t key_abi_str;
  key = rb_obj_as_string(key);
  rstring_to_abi_string(key, &key_abi_str);
  rb_js_abi_host_js_abi_result_t ret;
  rb_js_abi_host_reflect_get(p->abi, &key_abi_str, &ret);
  return jsvalue_s_new(ret.val.success);
self[prop] = value → JS::Object click to toggle source

Set a property on the object with the given value. Returns the value of the property:[:Object][:foo] = "bar"
p[:console][:foo] # => "bar"
static VALUE _rb_js_obj_aset(VALUE obj, VALUE key, VALUE val) {
  struct jsvalue *p = check_jsvalue(obj);
  VALUE rv = _rb_js_try_convert(rb_mJS, val);
  if (rv == Qnil) {
             "wrong argument type %s (expected JS::Object like object)",
  struct jsvalue *v = check_jsvalue(rv);
  rb_js_abi_host_string_t key_abi_str;
  key = rb_obj_as_string(key);
  rstring_to_abi_string(key, &key_abi_str);
  rb_js_abi_host_js_abi_result_t ret;
  rb_js_abi_host_reflect_set(p->abi, &key_abi_str, v->abi, &ret);
  return val;
apply(*args, &block) click to toggle source

Call the receiver (a JavaScript function) with ‘undefined` as its receiver context. This method is similar to JS::Object#call, but it is used to call a function that is not a method of an object.

floor =[:Math][:floor]
floor.apply(3.14) # => 3[:Promise].new do |resolve, reject|
end.await # => 42
# File packages/gems/js/lib/js.rb, line 216
def apply(*args, &block)
  args = args + [block] if block[:Reflect].call(:apply, self, ::JS::Undefined, args.to_js)
await() click to toggle source

Await a JavaScript Promise like ‘await` in JavaScript. This method looks like a synchronous method, but it actually runs asynchronously using fibers. In other words, the next line to the `await` call at Ruby source will be executed after the promise will be resolved. However, it does not block JavaScript event loop, so the next line to the RubyVM.evalAsync` (in the case when no `await` operator before the call expression) at JavaScript source will be executed without waiting for the promise.

The below example shows how the execution order goes. It goes in the order of “step N”

# In JavaScript
const response = vm.evalAsync(`
  puts "step 1""").await
  puts "step 3"
`) // => Promise
console.log("step 2")
await response
console.log("step 4")

The below examples show typical usage in Ruby

JS.eval("return new Promise((ok) => setTimeout(() => ok(42), 1000))").await # => 42 (after 1 second)"").await                                # => [object Response]
JS.eval("return 42").await                                                  # => 42
JS.eval("return new Promise((ok, err) => err(new Error())").await           # => raises JS::Error
# File packages/gems/js/lib/js.rb, line 246
def await
  # Promise.resolve wrap a value or flattens promise-like object and its thenable chain
  promise =[:Promise].resolve(self)
call(name, *args) → JS::Object click to toggle source

Call a JavaScript method specified by the name with the arguments. Returns the result of the call as a JS::Object.

p, JS.eval("return '42'"))    # => 42[:console].call(:log, JS.eval("return '42'")) # => undefined
static VALUE _rb_js_obj_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) {
  struct jsvalue *p = check_jsvalue(obj);
  if (argc == 0) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no method name given");
  VALUE method = _rb_js_obj_aref(obj, argv[0]);
  struct jsvalue *abi_method = check_jsvalue(method);

  rb_js_abi_host_list_js_abi_value_t abi_args;
  int function_arguments_count = argc;
  if (!rb_block_given_p())
    function_arguments_count -= 1;

  abi_args.ptr =
      ALLOCA_N(rb_js_abi_host_js_abi_value_t, function_arguments_count);
  abi_args.len = function_arguments_count;
  VALUE rv_args = rb_ary_tmp_new(function_arguments_count);

  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    VALUE arg = _rb_js_try_convert(rb_mJS, argv[i]);
    if (arg == Qnil) {
      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument %d is not a JS::Object like object",
               1 + i);
    abi_args.ptr[i - 1] = borrow_js_value(check_jsvalue(arg)->abi);
    rb_ary_push(rv_args, arg);

  if (rb_block_given_p()) {
    VALUE proc = rb_block_proc();
    VALUE rb_proc = _rb_js_try_convert(rb_mJS, proc);
    abi_args.ptr[function_arguments_count - 1] =
    rb_ary_push(rv_args, rb_proc);

  rb_js_abi_host_js_abi_result_t ret;
  rb_js_abi_host_reflect_apply(abi_method->abi, p->abi, &abi_args, &ret);
  VALUE result = jsvalue_s_new(ret.val.success);
  return result;
eql?(other) → boolean click to toggle source

Performs “==” comparison, a.k.a the “Abstract Equality Comparison” algorithm defined in the ECMAScript. If the given other object is not a JS::Object, try to convert it to a JS::Object using JS.try_convert. If the conversion fails, returns false.

static VALUE _rb_js_obj_eql(VALUE obj, VALUE other) {
  other = _rb_js_try_convert(rb_mJS, other);
  if (other == Qnil) {
    return Qfalse;
  struct jsvalue *lhs = check_jsvalue(obj);
  struct jsvalue *rhs = check_jsvalue(other);
  bool result = rb_js_abi_host_js_value_equal(lhs->abi, rhs->abi);
  return RBOOL(result);
Also aliased as: ==

Returns a printable version of self:

JS.eval("return 'str'").to_s # => "str"
JS.eval("return true").to_s  # => "true"
JS.eval("return 1").to_s     # => "1"
JS.eval("return null").to_s  # => "null"               # => "[object global]"

JS::Object#inspect is an alias for JS::Object#to_s.

Alias for: to_s
method_missing(sym, *args, &block) click to toggle source

Provide a shorthand form for JS::Object#call

This method basically calls the JavaScript method with the same name as the Ruby method name as is using JS::Object#call.

Exceptions are the following cases:

  • If the method name ends with a question mark (?), the question mark is removed and the method is called as a predicate method. The return value is converted to a Ruby boolean value automatically.

This shorthand is unavailable for the following cases and you need to use JS::Object#call instead:

  • If the method name is invalid as a Ruby method name (e.g. contains a hyphen, reserved word, etc.)

  • If the method name is already defined as a Ruby method under JS::Object

  • If the JavaScript method name ends with a question mark (?)

# File packages/gems/js/lib/js.rb, line 184
def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
  sym_str = sym.to_s
  if sym_str.end_with?("?")
    # When a JS method is called with a ? suffix, it is treated as a predicate method,
    # and the return value is converted to a Ruby boolean value automatically.
    result = invoke_js_method(sym_str[0..-2].to_sym, *args, &block)
    # Type coerce the result to boolean type
    # to match the true/false determination in JavaScript's if statement.
    return == ::JS::True

  invoke_js_method(sym, *args, &block)
new(*args, &block) click to toggle source

Create a JavaScript object with the new method

The below examples show typical usage in Ruby[:Object].new[:Number].new(1.23)[:String].new("string")[:Array].new(1, 2, 3)[:Date].new(2020, 1, 1)[:Error].new("error message")[:URLSearchParams].new([:location][:search])[:Promise].new ->(resolve, reject) { }
# File packages/gems/js/lib/js.rb, line 155
def new(*args, &block)
  args = args + [block] if block[:Reflect].construct(self, args.to_js)
respond_to_missing?(sym, include_private) click to toggle source

Check if a JavaScript method exists

See JS::Object#method_missing for details.

# File packages/gems/js/lib/js.rb, line 201
def respond_to_missing?(sym, include_private)
  sym_str = sym.to_s
  sym = sym_str[0..-2].to_sym if sym_str.end_with?("?")
  self[sym].typeof == "function"
strictly_eql?(other) → boolean click to toggle source

Performs “===” comparison, a.k.a the “Strict Equality Comparison” algorithm defined in the ECMAScript.

static VALUE _rb_js_obj_strictly_eql(VALUE obj, VALUE other) {
  struct jsvalue *lhs = check_jsvalue(obj);
  struct jsvalue *rhs = check_jsvalue(other);
  bool result = rb_js_abi_host_js_value_strictly_equal(lhs->abi, rhs->abi);
  return RBOOL(result);
to_a() click to toggle source

Converts self to an Array:

JS.eval("return [1, 2, 3]")    # => [1, 2, 3][:document].querySelectorAll("p").to_a # => [[object HTMLParagraphElement], ...
# File packages/gems/js/lib/js.rb, line 164
def to_a
  as_array =[:Array].from(self)[:length].to_i) { as_array[_1] }
to_f → float click to toggle source

Converts self to a Float:

JS.eval("return 1").to_f         # => 1.0
JS.eval("return 1.2").to_f       # => 1.2
JS.eval("return -1.2").to_f      # => -1.2
JS.eval("return '3.14'").to_f    # => 3.14
JS.eval("return ''").to_f        # => 0.0
JS.eval("return 'x'").to_f       # => 0.0
JS.eval("return NaN").to_f       # => Float::NAN
JS.eval("return Infinity").to_f  # => Float::INFINITY
JS.eval("return -Infinity").to_f # => -Float::INFINITY
static VALUE _rb_js_obj_to_f(VALUE obj) {
  struct jsvalue *p = check_jsvalue(obj);
  rb_js_abi_host_raw_integer_t ret;
  VALUE result;
  rb_js_abi_host_js_value_to_integer(p->abi, &ret);
    result = rb_float_new(ret.val.as_float);
  } else {
    result = DBL2NUM(rb_cstr_to_dbl((const char *)ret.val.bignum.ptr, FALSE));
  return result;
to_i → integer click to toggle source

Converts self to an Integer:

JS.eval("return 1").to_i         # => 1
JS.eval("return -1").to_i        # => -1
JS.eval("return 5.8").to_i       # => 5
JS.eval("return 42n").to_i       # => 42
JS.eval("return '3'").to_i       # => 3
JS.eval("return ''").to_f        # => 0
JS.eval("return 'x'").to_i       # => 0
JS.eval("return NaN").to_i       # Raises FloatDomainError
JS.eval("return Infinity").to_i  # Raises FloatDomainError
JS.eval("return -Infinity").to_i # Raises FloatDomainError
static VALUE _rb_js_obj_to_i(VALUE obj) {
  struct jsvalue *p = check_jsvalue(obj);
  rb_js_abi_host_raw_integer_t ret;
  rb_js_abi_host_js_value_to_integer(p->abi, &ret);
  VALUE result;
    result = rb_dbl2big(ret.val.as_float);
  } else {
    result = rb_cstr2inum((const char *)ret.val.bignum.ptr, 10);
  return result;
to_s → string click to toggle source

Returns a printable version of self:

JS.eval("return 'str'").to_s # => "str"
JS.eval("return true").to_s  # => "true"
JS.eval("return 1").to_s     # => "1"
JS.eval("return null").to_s  # => "null"               # => "[object global]"

JS::Object#inspect is an alias for JS::Object#to_s.

static VALUE _rb_js_obj_to_s(VALUE obj) {
  struct jsvalue *p = check_jsvalue(obj);
  rb_js_abi_host_string_t ret0;
  rb_js_abi_host_js_value_to_string(p->abi, &ret0);
  return rb_utf8_str_new((const char *)ret0.ptr, ret0.len);
Also aliased as: inspect
typeof → String click to toggle source

Returns the result string of JavaScript ‘typeof’ operator. See also JS.is_a? for ‘instanceof’ operator.

p                     # => "object"
p JS.eval("return 1").typeof           # => "number"
p JS.eval("return 'str'").typeof       # => "string"
p JS.eval("return undefined").typeof   # => "undefined"
p JS.eval("return null").typeof        # => "object"
static VALUE _rb_js_obj_typeof(VALUE obj) {
  struct jsvalue *p = check_jsvalue(obj);
  rb_js_abi_host_string_t ret0;
  rb_js_abi_host_js_value_typeof(p->abi, &ret0);
  return rb_str_new((const char *)ret0.ptr, ret0.len);