%% name = RDoc::Markdown

%% header { # coding: UTF-8 # frozen_string_literal: true # :markup: markdown

## # RDoc::Markdown as described by the [markdown syntax]. # # To choose Markdown as your only default format see # Saved Options at RDoc::Options for instructions on setting up a ‘.rdoc_options` # file to store your project default. # # ## Usage # # Here is a brief example of using this parse to read a markdown file by hand. # # data = File.read(“README.md”) # formatter = RDoc::Markup::ToHtml.new(RDoc::Options.new, nil) # html = RDoc::Markdown.parse(data).accept(formatter) # # # do something with html # # ## Extensions # # The following markdown extensions are supported by the parser, but not all # are used in RDoc output by default. # # ### RDoc # # The RDoc Markdown parser has the following built-in behaviors that cannot be # disabled. # # Underscores embedded in words are never interpreted as emphasis. (While the # [markdown dingus] emphasizes in-word underscores, neither the # Markdown syntax nor MarkdownTest mention this behavior.) # # For HTML output, RDoc always auto-links bare URLs. # # ### Break on Newline # # The break_on_newline extension converts all newlines into hard line breaks # as in [Github Flavored Markdown]. This extension is disabled by # default. # # ### CSS # # The css extension enables CSS blocks to be included in the output, but they # are not used for any built-in RDoc output format. This extension is disabled # by default. # # Example: # # <style type=“text/css”> # h1 { font-size: 3em } # </style> # # ### Definition Lists # # The definition_lists extension allows definition lists using the [PHP # Markdown Extra syntax], but only one label and definition are supported # at this time. This extension is enabled by default. # # Example: # # “` # cat # : A small furry mammal # that seems to sleep a lot # # ant # : A little insect that is known # to enjoy picnics # # “` # # Produces: # # cat # : A small furry mammal # that seems to sleep a lot # # ant # : A little insect that is known # to enjoy picnics # # ### Strike # # Example: # # “` # This is ~~striked~~. # “` # # Produces: # # This is ~~striked~~. # # ### Github # # The github extension enables a partial set of [Github Flavored Markdown] # [GFM]. This extension is enabled by default. # # Supported github extensions include: # # #### Fenced code blocks # # Use ` “` ` around a block of code instead of indenting it four spaces. # # #### Syntax highlighting # # Use ` “` ruby ` as the start of a code fence to add syntax highlighting. # (Currently only `ruby` syntax is supported). # # ### HTML # # Enables raw HTML to be included in the output. This extension is enabled by # default. # # Example: # # <table> # … # </table> # # ### Notes # # The notes extension enables footnote support. This extension is enabled by # default. # # Example: # # Here is some text including an inline footnote ^[for short footnotes] # # … # # [^1]: With the footnote text down at the bottom # # Produces: # # Here is some text including an inline footnote ^[for short footnotes] # # [^1]: With the footnote text down at the bottom # # ## Limitations # # * Link titles are not used # * Footnotes are collapsed into a single paragraph # # ## Author # # This markdown parser is a port to kpeg from [peg-markdown] by # John MacFarlane. # # It is used under the MIT license: # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # The port to kpeg was performed by Eric Hodel and Evan Phoenix # # [dingus]: daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus # [GFM]: github.github.com/gfm/ # [pegmarkdown]: github.com/jgm/peg-markdown # [PHPE]: michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/#def-list # [syntax]: daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax – # Last updated to jgm/peg-markdown commit 8f8fc22ef0


%% {

require_relative '../rdoc'
require_relative 'markup/to_joined_paragraph'
require_relative 'markdown/entities'

require_relative 'markdown/literals'

# Supported extensions


# Extensions enabled by default


# :section: Extensions

# Creates extension methods for the `name` extension to enable and disable
# the extension and to query if they are active.

def self.extension name
  EXTENSIONS << name

  define_method "#{name}?" do
    extension? name

  define_method "#{name}=" do |enable|
    extension name, enable

# Converts all newlines into hard breaks

extension :break_on_newline

# Allow style blocks

extension :css

# Allow PHP Markdown Extras style definition lists

extension :definition_lists

# Allow Github Flavored Markdown

extension :github

# Allow HTML

extension :html

# Enables the notes extension

extension :notes

# Enables the strike extension

extension :strike

# :section:

# Parses the `markdown` document into an RDoc::Document using the default
# extensions.

def self.parse markdown
  parser = new

  parser.parse markdown

# TODO remove when kpeg 0.10 is released
alias orig_initialize initialize # :nodoc:

# Creates a new markdown parser that enables the given +extensions+.

def initialize extensions = DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS, debug = false
  @debug      = debug
  @formatter  = RDoc::Markup::ToJoinedParagraph.new
  @extensions = extensions

  @references          = nil
  @unlinked_references = nil

  @footnotes       = nil
  @note_order      = nil

# Wraps `text` in emphasis for rdoc inline formatting

def emphasis text
  if text =~ /\A[a-z\d.\/]+\z/i then



# Is the extension `name` enabled?

def extension? name
  @extensions.include? name



# Enables or disables the extension with `name`

def extension name, enable
  if enable then
    @extensions |= [name]
    @extensions -= [name]

# Parses `text` in a clone of this parser.  This is used for handling nested
# lists the same way as markdown_parser.

def inner_parse text # :nodoc:
  parser = clone

  parser.setup_parser text, @debug


  doc = parser.result

  doc.accept @formatter


# Finds a link reference for `label` and creates a new link to it with
# `content` as the link text.  If `label` was not encountered in the
# reference-gathering parser pass the label and content are reconstructed
# with the linking `text` (usually whitespace).

def link_to content, label = content, text = nil
  raise ParseError, 'enable notes extension' if
    content.start_with? '^' and label.equal? content

  if ref = @references[label] then
  elsif label.equal? content then

# Creates an RDoc::Markup::ListItem by parsing the `unparsed` content from
# the first parsing pass.

def list_item_from unparsed
  parsed = inner_parse unparsed.join
  RDoc::Markup::ListItem.new nil, *parsed

# Stores `label` as a note and fills in previously unknown note references.

def note label
  #foottext = "rdoc-label:foottext-#{label}:footmark-#{label}"

  #ref.replace foottext if ref = @unlinked_notes.delete(label)

  @notes[label] = foottext

  #"{^1}[rdoc-label:footmark-#{label}:foottext-#{label}] "

# Creates a new link for the footnote `reference` and adds the reference to
# the note order list for proper display at the end of the document.

def note_for ref
  @note_order << ref

  label = @note_order.length


# The internal kpeg parse method

alias peg_parse parse # :nodoc:

# Creates an RDoc::Markup::Paragraph from `parts` and including
# extension-specific behavior

def paragraph parts
  parts = parts.map do |part|
    if "\n" == part then
  end if break_on_newline?


# Parses `markdown` into an RDoc::Document

def parse markdown
  @references          = {}
  @unlinked_references = {}

  markdown += "\n\n"

  setup_parser markdown, @debug
  peg_parse 'References'

  if notes? then
    @footnotes       = {}

    setup_parser markdown, @debug
    peg_parse 'Notes'

    # using note_order on the first pass would be a bug
    @note_order      = []

  setup_parser markdown, @debug

  doc = result

  if notes? and not @footnotes.empty? then
    doc << RDoc::Markup::Rule.new(1)

    @note_order.each_with_index do |ref, index|
      label = index + 1
      note = @footnotes[ref] or raise ParseError, "footnote [^#{ref}] not found"

      link = "{^#{label}}[rdoc-label:footmark-#{label}:foottext-#{label}] "
      note.parts.unshift link

      doc << note

  doc.accept @formatter


# Stores `label` as a reference to `link` and fills in previously unknown
# link references.

def reference label, link
  if ref = @unlinked_references.delete(label) then
    ref.replace link

  @references[label] = link

# Wraps `text` in strong markup for rdoc inline formatting

def strong text
  if text =~ /\A[a-z\d.\/-]+\z/i then

# Wraps `text` in strike markup for rdoc inline formatting

def strike text
  if text =~ /\A[a-z\d.\/-]+\z/i then


root = Doc

Doc = BOM? Block*:a { RDoc::Markup::Document.new(*a.compact) }

Block = @BlankLine*

( BlockQuote
| Verbatim
| CodeFence
| Table
| Note
| Reference
| HorizontalRule
| Heading
| OrderedList
| BulletList
| DefinitionList
| HtmlBlock
| StyleBlock
| Para
| Plain )

Para = @NonindentSpace Inlines:a @BlankLine+

{ paragraph a }

Plain = Inlines:a

{ paragraph a }

AtxInline = !@Newline !(@Sp /#*/ @Sp @Newline) Inline

AtxStart = < /#{1,6}/ >

{ text.length }

AtxHeading = AtxStart:s @Spacechar+ AtxInline+:a (@Sp /#*/ @Sp)? @Newline

{ RDoc::Markup::Heading.new(s, a.join) }

SetextHeading = SetextHeading1 | SetextHeading2

SetextBottom1 = /={1,}/ @Newline

SetextBottom2 = /-{1,}/ @Newline

SetextHeading1 = &(@RawLine SetextBottom1)

@StartList:a ( !@Endline Inline:b { a << b } )+ @Sp @Newline
{ RDoc::Markup::Heading.new(1, a.join) }

SetextHeading2 = &(@RawLine SetextBottom2)

@StartList:a ( !@Endline Inline:b { a << b })+ @Sp @Newline
{ RDoc::Markup::Heading.new(2, a.join) }

Heading = SetextHeading | AtxHeading

BlockQuote = BlockQuoteRaw:a

{ RDoc::Markup::BlockQuote.new(*a) }

BlockQuoteRaw = @StartList:a

(( ">" " "? Line:l { a << l } )
 ( !">" !@BlankLine Line:c { a << c } )*
 ( @BlankLine:n { a << n } )*
{ inner_parse a.join }

NonblankIndentedLine = !@BlankLine IndentedLine

VerbatimChunk = @BlankLine*:a

{ a.concat b }

Verbatim = VerbatimChunk+:a

{ RDoc::Markup::Verbatim.new(*a.flatten) }

HorizontalRule = @NonindentSpace

( "*" @Sp "*" @Sp "*" (@Sp "*")*
| "-" @Sp "-" @Sp "-" (@Sp "-")*
| "_" @Sp "_" @Sp "_" (@Sp "_")*)
@Sp @Newline @BlankLine+
{ RDoc::Markup::Rule.new 1 }

Bullet = !HorizontalRule @NonindentSpace /[+*-]/ @Spacechar+

BulletList = &Bullet (ListTight | ListLoose):a

{ RDoc::Markup::List.new(:BULLET, *a) }

ListTight = ListItemTight+:a

@BlankLine* !(Bullet | Enumerator)
{ a }

ListLoose = @StartList:a

( ListItem:b @BlankLine* { a << b } )+
{ a }

ListItem = ( Bullet | Enumerator )

ListBlock:b { a << b }
( ListContinuationBlock:c { a.push(*c) } )*
{ list_item_from a }

ListItemTight =

( Bullet | Enumerator )
( !@BlankLine
  ListContinuationBlock:b { a.push(*b) } )*
{ list_item_from a }

ListBlock = !@BlankLine Line:a

{ [a, *c] }

ListContinuationBlock = @StartList:a

( @BlankLine*
  { a << "\n" } )
( Indent
  ListBlock:b { a.concat b } )+
{ a }

Enumerator = @NonindentSpace [0-9]+ “.” @Spacechar+

OrderedList = &Enumerator (ListTight | ListLoose):a

{ RDoc::Markup::List.new(:NUMBER, *a) }

ListBlockLine = !@BlankLine

!( Indent? (Bullet | Enumerator) )

# Parsers for different kinds of block-level HTML content. # This is repetitive due to constraints of PEG grammar.

HtmlOpenAnchor = “<” Spnl (“a” | “A”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlCloseAnchor = “<” Spnl “/” (“a” | “A”) Spnl “>” HtmlAnchor = HtmlOpenAnchor (HtmlAnchor | !HtmlCloseAnchor .)* HtmlCloseAnchor

HtmlBlockOpenAddress = “<” Spnl (“address” | “ADDRESS”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseAddress = “<” Spnl “/” (“address” | “ADDRESS”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockAddress = HtmlBlockOpenAddress (HtmlBlockAddress | !HtmlBlockCloseAddress .)* HtmlBlockCloseAddress

HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote = “<” Spnl (“blockquote” | “BLOCKQUOTE”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote = “<” Spnl “/” (“blockquote” | “BLOCKQUOTE”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockBlockquote = HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote (HtmlBlockBlockquote | !HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote .)* HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote

HtmlBlockOpenCenter = “<” Spnl (“center” | “CENTER”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseCenter = “<” Spnl “/” (“center” | “CENTER”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockCenter = HtmlBlockOpenCenter (HtmlBlockCenter | !HtmlBlockCloseCenter .)* HtmlBlockCloseCenter

HtmlBlockOpenDir = “<” Spnl (“dir” | “DIR”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseDir = “<” Spnl “/” (“dir” | “DIR”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockDir = HtmlBlockOpenDir (HtmlBlockDir | !HtmlBlockCloseDir .)* HtmlBlockCloseDir

HtmlBlockOpenDiv = “<” Spnl (“div” | “DIV”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseDiv = “<” Spnl “/” (“div” | “DIV”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockDiv = HtmlBlockOpenDiv (HtmlBlockDiv | !HtmlBlockCloseDiv .)* HtmlBlockCloseDiv

HtmlBlockOpenDl = “<” Spnl (“dl” | “DL”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseDl = “<” Spnl “/” (“dl” | “DL”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockDl = HtmlBlockOpenDl (HtmlBlockDl | !HtmlBlockCloseDl .)* HtmlBlockCloseDl

HtmlBlockOpenFieldset = “<” Spnl (“fieldset” | “FIELDSET”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseFieldset = “<” Spnl “/” (“fieldset” | “FIELDSET”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockFieldset = HtmlBlockOpenFieldset (HtmlBlockFieldset | !HtmlBlockCloseFieldset .)* HtmlBlockCloseFieldset

HtmlBlockOpenForm = “<” Spnl (“form” | “FORM”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseForm = “<” Spnl “/” (“form” | “FORM”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockForm = HtmlBlockOpenForm (HtmlBlockForm | !HtmlBlockCloseForm .)* HtmlBlockCloseForm

HtmlBlockOpenH1 = “<” Spnl (“h1” | “H1”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseH1 = “<” Spnl “/” (“h1” | “H1”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockH1 = HtmlBlockOpenH1 (HtmlBlockH1 | !HtmlBlockCloseH1 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH1

HtmlBlockOpenH2 = “<” Spnl (“h2” | “H2”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseH2 = “<” Spnl “/” (“h2” | “H2”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockH2 = HtmlBlockOpenH2 (HtmlBlockH2 | !HtmlBlockCloseH2 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH2

HtmlBlockOpenH3 = “<” Spnl (“h3” | “H3”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseH3 = “<” Spnl “/” (“h3” | “H3”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockH3 = HtmlBlockOpenH3 (HtmlBlockH3 | !HtmlBlockCloseH3 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH3

HtmlBlockOpenH4 = “<” Spnl (“h4” | “H4”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseH4 = “<” Spnl “/” (“h4” | “H4”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockH4 = HtmlBlockOpenH4 (HtmlBlockH4 | !HtmlBlockCloseH4 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH4

HtmlBlockOpenH5 = “<” Spnl (“h5” | “H5”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseH5 = “<” Spnl “/” (“h5” | “H5”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockH5 = HtmlBlockOpenH5 (HtmlBlockH5 | !HtmlBlockCloseH5 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH5

HtmlBlockOpenH6 = “<” Spnl (“h6” | “H6”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseH6 = “<” Spnl “/” (“h6” | “H6”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockH6 = HtmlBlockOpenH6 (HtmlBlockH6 | !HtmlBlockCloseH6 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH6

HtmlBlockOpenMenu = “<” Spnl (“menu” | “MENU”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseMenu = “<” Spnl “/” (“menu” | “MENU”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockMenu = HtmlBlockOpenMenu (HtmlBlockMenu | !HtmlBlockCloseMenu .)* HtmlBlockCloseMenu

HtmlBlockOpenNoframes = “<” Spnl (“noframes” | “NOFRAMES”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseNoframes = “<” Spnl “/” (“noframes” | “NOFRAMES”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockNoframes = HtmlBlockOpenNoframes (HtmlBlockNoframes | !HtmlBlockCloseNoframes .)* HtmlBlockCloseNoframes

HtmlBlockOpenNoscript = “<” Spnl (“noscript” | “NOSCRIPT”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseNoscript = “<” Spnl “/” (“noscript” | “NOSCRIPT”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockNoscript = HtmlBlockOpenNoscript (HtmlBlockNoscript | !HtmlBlockCloseNoscript .)* HtmlBlockCloseNoscript

HtmlBlockOpenOl = “<” Spnl (“ol” | “OL”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseOl = “<” Spnl “/” (“ol” | “OL”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockOl = HtmlBlockOpenOl (HtmlBlockOl | !HtmlBlockCloseOl .)* HtmlBlockCloseOl

HtmlBlockOpenP = “<” Spnl (“p” | “P”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseP = “<” Spnl “/” (“p” | “P”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockP = HtmlBlockOpenP (HtmlBlockP | !HtmlBlockCloseP .)* HtmlBlockCloseP

HtmlBlockOpenPre = “<” Spnl (“pre” | “PRE”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockClosePre = “<” Spnl “/” (“pre” | “PRE”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockPre = HtmlBlockOpenPre (HtmlBlockPre | !HtmlBlockClosePre .)* HtmlBlockClosePre

HtmlBlockOpenTable = “<” Spnl (“table” | “TABLE”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseTable = “<” Spnl “/” (“table” | “TABLE”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockTable = HtmlBlockOpenTable (HtmlBlockTable | !HtmlBlockCloseTable .)* HtmlBlockCloseTable

HtmlBlockOpenUl = “<” Spnl (“ul” | “UL”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseUl = “<” Spnl “/” (“ul” | “UL”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockUl = HtmlBlockOpenUl (HtmlBlockUl | !HtmlBlockCloseUl .)* HtmlBlockCloseUl

HtmlBlockOpenDd = “<” Spnl (“dd” | “DD”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseDd = “<” Spnl “/” (“dd” | “DD”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockDd = HtmlBlockOpenDd (HtmlBlockDd | !HtmlBlockCloseDd .)* HtmlBlockCloseDd

HtmlBlockOpenDt = “<” Spnl (“dt” | “DT”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseDt = “<” Spnl “/” (“dt” | “DT”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockDt = HtmlBlockOpenDt (HtmlBlockDt | !HtmlBlockCloseDt .)* HtmlBlockCloseDt

HtmlBlockOpenFrameset = “<” Spnl (“frameset” | “FRAMESET”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseFrameset = “<” Spnl “/” (“frameset” | “FRAMESET”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockFrameset = HtmlBlockOpenFrameset (HtmlBlockFrameset | !HtmlBlockCloseFrameset .)* HtmlBlockCloseFrameset

HtmlBlockOpenLi = “<” Spnl (“li” | “LI”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseLi = “<” Spnl “/” (“li” | “LI”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockLi = HtmlBlockOpenLi (HtmlBlockLi | !HtmlBlockCloseLi .)* HtmlBlockCloseLi

HtmlBlockOpenTbody = “<” Spnl (“tbody” | “TBODY”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseTbody = “<” Spnl “/” (“tbody” | “TBODY”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockTbody = HtmlBlockOpenTbody (HtmlBlockTbody | !HtmlBlockCloseTbody .)* HtmlBlockCloseTbody

HtmlBlockOpenTd = “<” Spnl (“td” | “TD”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseTd = “<” Spnl “/” (“td” | “TD”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockTd = HtmlBlockOpenTd (HtmlBlockTd | !HtmlBlockCloseTd .)* HtmlBlockCloseTd

HtmlBlockOpenTfoot = “<” Spnl (“tfoot” | “TFOOT”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseTfoot = “<” Spnl “/” (“tfoot” | “TFOOT”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockTfoot = HtmlBlockOpenTfoot (HtmlBlockTfoot | !HtmlBlockCloseTfoot .)* HtmlBlockCloseTfoot

HtmlBlockOpenTh = “<” Spnl (“th” | “TH”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseTh = “<” Spnl “/” (“th” | “TH”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockTh = HtmlBlockOpenTh (HtmlBlockTh | !HtmlBlockCloseTh .)* HtmlBlockCloseTh

HtmlBlockOpenThead = “<” Spnl (“thead” | “THEAD”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseThead = “<” Spnl “/” (“thead” | “THEAD”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockThead = HtmlBlockOpenThead (HtmlBlockThead | !HtmlBlockCloseThead .)* HtmlBlockCloseThead

HtmlBlockOpenTr = “<” Spnl (“tr” | “TR”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseTr = “<” Spnl “/” (“tr” | “TR”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockTr = HtmlBlockOpenTr (HtmlBlockTr | !HtmlBlockCloseTr .)* HtmlBlockCloseTr

HtmlBlockOpenScript = “<” Spnl (“script” | “SCRIPT”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseScript = “<” Spnl “/” (“script” | “SCRIPT”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockScript = HtmlBlockOpenScript (!HtmlBlockCloseScript .)* HtmlBlockCloseScript

HtmlBlockOpenHead = “<” Spnl (“head” | “HEAD”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” HtmlBlockCloseHead = “<” Spnl “/” (“head” | “HEAD”) Spnl “>” HtmlBlockHead = HtmlBlockOpenHead (!HtmlBlockCloseHead .)* HtmlBlockCloseHead

HtmlBlockInTags = HtmlAnchor

| HtmlBlockAddress
| HtmlBlockBlockquote
| HtmlBlockCenter
| HtmlBlockDir
| HtmlBlockDiv
| HtmlBlockDl
| HtmlBlockFieldset
| HtmlBlockForm
| HtmlBlockH1
| HtmlBlockH2
| HtmlBlockH3
| HtmlBlockH4
| HtmlBlockH5
| HtmlBlockH6
| HtmlBlockMenu
| HtmlBlockNoframes
| HtmlBlockNoscript
| HtmlBlockOl
| HtmlBlockP
| HtmlBlockPre
| HtmlBlockTable
| HtmlBlockUl
| HtmlBlockDd
| HtmlBlockDt
| HtmlBlockFrameset
| HtmlBlockLi
| HtmlBlockTbody
| HtmlBlockTd
| HtmlBlockTfoot
| HtmlBlockTh
| HtmlBlockThead
| HtmlBlockTr
| HtmlBlockScript
| HtmlBlockHead

HtmlBlock = < ( HtmlBlockInTags | HtmlComment | HtmlBlockSelfClosing | HtmlUnclosed) >

{ if html? then
    RDoc::Markup::Raw.new text
  end }

HtmlUnclosed = “<” Spnl HtmlUnclosedType Spnl HtmlAttribute* Spnl “>”

HtmlUnclosedType = “HR” | “hr”

HtmlBlockSelfClosing = “<” Spnl HtmlBlockType Spnl HtmlAttribute* “/” Spnl “>”

HtmlBlockType = “ADDRESS” |

"DD" |
"DIR" |
"DIV" |
"DL" |
"DT" |
"FORM" |
"H1" |
"H2" |
"H3" |
"H4" |
"H5" |
"H6" |
"HR" |
"LI" |
"MENU" |
"OL" |
"P" |
"PRE" |
"TD" |
"TH" |
"TR" |
"UL" |
"address" |
"blockquote" |
"center" |
"dd" |
"dir" |
"div" |
"dl" |
"dt" |
"fieldset" |
"form" |
"frameset" |
"h1" |
"h2" |
"h3" |
"h4" |
"h5" |
"h6" |
"hr" |
"isindex" |
"li" |
"menu" |
"noframes" |
"noscript" |
"ol" |
"p" |
"pre" |
"script" |
"table" |
"tbody" |
"td" |
"tfoot" |
"th" |
"thead" |
"tr" |

StyleOpen = “<” Spnl (“style” | “STYLE”) Spnl HtmlAttribute* “>” StyleClose = “<” Spnl “/” (“style” | “STYLE”) Spnl “>” InStyleTags = StyleOpen (!StyleClose .)* StyleClose StyleBlock = < InStyleTags >

{ if css? then
    RDoc::Markup::Raw.new text
  end }

Inlines = ( !@Endline Inline:i { i }

| @Endline:c !( &{ github? } Ticks3 /[^`\n]*$/ )
  &Inline { c } )+:chunks @Endline?
{ chunks }

Inline = Str

| @Endline
| UlOrStarLine
| @Space
| Strong
| Emph
| Strike
| Image
| Link
| NoteReference
| InlineNote
| Code
| RawHtml
| Entity
| EscapedChar
| Symbol

Space = @Spacechar+ { “ ” }

Str = @StartList:a

< @NormalChar+ > { a = text }
( StrChunk:c { a << c } )* { a }

StrChunk = < (@NormalChar | /_+/ &Alphanumeric)+ > { text }

EscapedChar = “\” !@Newline < /[:\‘|*_{}[]()+.!><-]/ > { text }

Entity = ( HexEntity | DecEntity | CharEntity ):a { a }

Endline = @LineBreak | @TerminalEndline | @NormalEndline

NormalEndline = @Sp @Newline !@BlankLine !“>” !AtxStart

!(Line /={1,}|-{1,}/ @Newline)
{ "\n" }

TerminalEndline = @Sp @Newline @Eof

LineBreak = “ ” @NormalEndline { RDoc::Markup::HardBreak.new }

Symbol = < @SpecialChar >

{ text }

# This keeps the parser from getting bogged down on long strings of ‘*’ or ‘_’, # or strings of ‘*’ or ‘_’ with space on each side: UlOrStarLine = (UlLine | StarLine):a { a } StarLine = < /*{4,}/ > { text } |

< @Spacechar /\*+/ &@Spacechar > { text }

UlLine = < /_{4,}/ > { text } |

< @Spacechar /_+/ &@Spacechar > { text }

Emph = EmphStar | EmphUl

Whitespace = @Spacechar | @Newline

EmphStar = “*” !@Whitespace

( !"*" Inline:b { a << b }
| StrongStar:b  { a << b }
{ emphasis a.join }

EmphUl = “_” !@Whitespace

( !"_" Inline:b { a << b }
| StrongUl:b  { a << b }
{ emphasis a.join }

Strong = StrongStar | StrongUl

StrongStar = “**” !@Whitespace

( !"**" Inline:b { a << b } )+
{ strong a.join }

StrongUl = “__” !@Whitespace

( !"__" Inline:b { a << b } )+
{ strong a.join }

Strike = &{ strike? }

"~~" !@Whitespace
( !"~~" Inline:b { a << b } )+
{ strike a.join }

# TODO alt text support Image = “!” ( ExplicitLink | ReferenceLink ):a

{ "rdoc-image:#{a[/\[(.*)\]/, 1]}" }

Link = ExplicitLink | ReferenceLink | AutoLink

ReferenceLink = ReferenceLinkDouble | ReferenceLinkSingle

ReferenceLinkDouble = Label:content < Spnl > !“[]” Label:label

{ link_to content, label, text }

ReferenceLinkSingle = Label:content < (Spnl “[]”)? >

{ link_to content, content, text }

ExplicitLink = Label:l “(” @Sp Source:s Spnl Title @Sp “)”

{ "{#{l}}[#{s}]" }

Source = ( “<” < SourceContents > “>” | < SourceContents > )

{ text }

SourceContents = ( ( !“(” !“)” !“>” Nonspacechar )+ | “(” SourceContents “)”)*

Title = ( TitleSingle | TitleDouble | “” ):a

{ a }

TitleSingle = “‘” ( !( “’” @Sp ( “)” | @Newline ) ) . )* “‘”

TitleDouble = “"” ( !( “"” @Sp ( “)” | @Newline ) ) . )* “"”

AutoLink = AutoLinkUrl | AutoLinkEmail

AutoLinkUrl = “<” < /[A-Za-z]+/ “://” ( !@Newline !“>” . )+ > “>”

{ text }

AutoLinkEmail = “<” (“mailto:”)? < /[w+./!%~$-]+/i “@” ( !@Newline !“>” . )+ > “>”

{ "mailto:#{text}" }

Reference = @NonindentSpace !“[]”

  Label:label ":" Spnl RefSrc:link RefTitle @BlankLine+
{ # TODO use title
  reference label, link

Label = “[” ( !“^” &{ notes? } | &. &{ !notes? } )

( !"]" Inline:l { a << l } )*
{ a.join.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') }

RefSrc = < Nonspacechar+ > { text }

RefTitle = ( RefTitleSingle | RefTitleDouble | RefTitleParens | EmptyTitle )

EmptyTitle = “”

RefTitleSingle = Spnl “‘” < ( !( “’” @Sp @Newline | @Newline ) . )* > “‘” { text }

RefTitleDouble = Spnl “"” < ( !(“"” @Sp @Newline | @Newline) . )* > “"” { text }

RefTitleParens = Spnl “(” < ( !(“)” @Sp @Newline | @Newline) . )* > “)” { text }

References = ( Reference | SkipBlock )*

Ticks1 = “‘” !“`” Ticks2 = ““” !“`” Ticks3 = ““`” !“`” Ticks4 = “““” !“`” Ticks5 = “““`” !“`”

Code = ( Ticks1 @Sp < (

    ( !"`" Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks1 /`+/ |
    !( @Sp Ticks1 ) ( @Spacechar | @Newline !@BlankLine )
  )+ > @Sp Ticks1 |
  Ticks2 @Sp < (
    ( !"`" Nonspacechar )+ |
    !Ticks2 /`+/ |
    !( @Sp Ticks2 ) ( @Spacechar | @Newline !@BlankLine )
  )+ > @Sp Ticks2 |
  Ticks3 @Sp < (
    ( !"`" Nonspacechar )+ |
    !Ticks3 /`+/ |
    !( @Sp Ticks3 ) ( @Spacechar | @Newline !@BlankLine )
  )+ > @Sp Ticks3 |
  Ticks4 @Sp < (
    ( !"`" Nonspacechar )+ |
    !Ticks4 /`+/ |
    !( @Sp Ticks4 ) ( @Spacechar | @Newline !@BlankLine )
  )+ > @Sp Ticks4 |
  Ticks5 @Sp < (
    ( !"`" Nonspacechar )+ |
    !Ticks5 /`+/ |
    !( @Sp Ticks5 ) ( @Spacechar | @Newline !@BlankLine )
  )+ > @Sp Ticks5
{ "<code>#{text}</code>" }

RawHtml = < (HtmlComment | HtmlBlockScript | HtmlTag) >

{ if html? then text else '' end }

BlankLine = @Sp @Newline { “n” }

Quoted = “"” (!“"” .)* “"” | “‘” (!“’” .)* “‘” HtmlAttribute = (AlphanumericAscii | “-”)+ Spnl (“=” Spnl (Quoted | (!“>” Nonspacechar)+))? Spnl HtmlComment = “<!–” (!“–>” .)* “–>” HtmlTag = “<” Spnl “/”? AlphanumericAscii+ Spnl HtmlAttribute* “/”? Spnl “>” Eof = !. Nonspacechar = !@Spacechar !@Newline . Sp = @Spacechar* Spnl = @Sp (@Newline @Sp)? SpecialChar = /[~*_`&()<!#\’“]/ | @ExtendedSpecialChar NormalChar = !( @SpecialChar | @Spacechar | @Newline ) . Digit = [0-9]

%literals = RDoc::Markdown::Literals Alphanumeric = %literals.Alphanumeric AlphanumericAscii = %literals.AlphanumericAscii BOM = %literals.BOM Newline = %literals.Newline Spacechar = %literals.Spacechar

HexEntity = /&#x/i < /[0-9a-fA-F]+/ > “;”

{ [text.to_i(16)].pack 'U' }

DecEntity = “&#” < /[0-9]+/ > “;”

{ [text.to_i].pack 'U' }

CharEntity = “&” </[A-Za-z0-9]+/ > “;”

{ if entity = HTML_ENTITIES[text] then
    entity.pack 'U*'

NonindentSpace = / {0,3}/ Indent = /t| / IndentedLine = Indent Line OptionallyIndentedLine = Indent? Line

# StartList starts a list data structure that can be added to with cons: StartList = &.

{ [] }

Line = @RawLine:a { a } RawLine = ( < /[^rn]*/ @Newline >

| < .+ > @Eof ) { text }

SkipBlock = HtmlBlock

| ( !"#" !SetextBottom1 !SetextBottom2 !@BlankLine @RawLine )+
| @BlankLine+
| @RawLine

# Syntax extensions

ExtendedSpecialChar = &{ notes? } ( “^” )

NoteReference = &{ notes? }

{ note_for ref }

RawNoteReference = “[^” < ( !@Newline !“]” . )+ > “]” { text }

# TODO multiple paragraphs for a footnote Note = &{ notes? }

@NonindentSpace RawNoteReference:ref ":" @Sp
RawNoteBlock:i { a.concat i }
( &Indent RawNoteBlock:i { a.concat i } )*
{ @footnotes[ref] = paragraph a


InlineNote = &{ notes? }

( !"]" Inline:l { a << l } )+
{ ref = [:inline, @note_order.length]
  @footnotes[ref] = paragraph a

  note_for ref

Notes = ( Note | SkipBlock )*

RawNoteBlock = @StartList:a

( !@BlankLine !RawNoteReference OptionallyIndentedLine:l { a << l } )+
( < @BlankLine* > { a << text } )
{ a }

# Markdown extensions added by RDoc follow

CodeFence = &{ github? }

Ticks3 (@Sp StrChunk:format)? Spnl < (
  ( !"`" Nonspacechar )+ |
  !Ticks3 /`+/ |
  Spacechar |
)+ > Ticks3 @Sp @Newline*
{ verbatim = RDoc::Markup::Verbatim.new text
  verbatim.format = format.intern if format.instance_of?(String)

Table = &{ github? }

TableHead:header TableLine:line TableRow+:body
{ table = RDoc::Markup::Table.new(header, line, body) }

TableHead = TableItem2+:items “|”? @Newline

{ items }

TableRow = ( ( TableItem:item1 TableItem2*:items { [item1, *items] } ):row | TableItem2+:row ) “|”? @Newline

{ row }

TableItem2 = “|” TableItem TableItem = < /(?:\.|[^|n])+/ >

{ text.strip.gsub(/\\(.)/, '\1')  }

TableLine = ( ( TableAlign:align1 TableAlign2*:aligns {[align1, *aligns] } ):line | TableAlign2+:line ) “|”? @Newline

{ line }

TableAlign2 = “|” @Sp TableAlign TableAlign = < /:?-+:?/ > @Sp

  text.start_with?(":") ?
  (text.end_with?(":") ? :center : :left) :
  (text.end_with?(":") ? :right : nil)

DefinitionList = &{ definition_lists? }

( DefinitionListItem+:list )
{ RDoc::Markup::List.new :NOTE, *list.flatten }

DefinitionListItem = ( DefinitionListLabel+ ):label

( DefinitionListDefinition+ ):defns
{ list_items = []
  list_items <<
    RDoc::Markup::ListItem.new(label, defns.shift)

  list_items.concat defns.map { |defn|
    RDoc::Markup::ListItem.new nil, defn
  } unless list_items.empty?


DefinitionListLabel = Inline:label @Sp @Newline

{ label }

DefinitionListDefinition = @NonindentSpace “:” @Space Inlines:a @BlankLine+

{ paragraph a }