class RDoc::RDoc
This is the driver for generating RDoc output. It handles file parsing and generation of output.
To use this class to generate RDoc output via the API, the recommended way is:
rdoc = options = RDoc::Options.load_options # returns an RDoc::Options instance # set extra options rdoc.document options
You can also generate output like the rdoc
rdoc = rdoc.document argv
Where argv
is an array of strings, each corresponding to an argument you’d give rdoc on the command line. See rdoc --help
for details.
This is the list of supported output generators
List of directory names skipped if test suites should be skipped
List of directory names always skipped
Generator instance used for creating output
Hash of files and their last modified times.
RDoc options
Accessor for statistics. Available after each call to parse_files
The current documentation store
Public Class Methods
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 77 def self.add_generator(klass) name =^RDoc::Generator::/, '').downcase GENERATORS[name] = klass end
Add klass
that can generate output after parsing
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 85 def self.current @current end
Active RDoc::RDoc
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 92 def self.current= rdoc @current = rdoc end
Sets the active RDoc::RDoc
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 100 def initialize @current = nil @generator = nil @last_modified = {} @old_siginfo = nil @options = nil @stats = nil @store = nil end
Creates a new RDoc::RDoc
instance. Call document
to parse files and generate documentation.
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 443 def document options if RDoc::Options === options then @options = options else @options = RDoc::Options.load_options @options.parse options end @options.finish @store = if @options.pipe then handle_pipe exit end unless @options.coverage_report then @last_modified = setup_output_dir @options.op_dir, @options.force_update end @start_time = @store.load_cache file_info = parse_files @options.files @options.default_title = "RDoc Documentation" @store.complete @options.visibility @stats.coverage_level = @options.coverage_report if @options.coverage_report then puts puts elsif file_info.empty? then $stderr.puts "\nNo newer files." unless @options.quiet else gen_klass = @options.generator @generator = @store, @options generate end if @stats and (@options.coverage_report or not @options.quiet) then puts puts @stats.summary.accept end exit @stats.fully_documented? if @options.coverage_report end
Generates documentation or a coverage report depending upon the settings in options
can be either an RDoc::Options
instance or an array of strings equivalent to the strings that would be passed on the command line like %w[-q -o doc -t My\ Doc\ Title]
. document
will automatically call RDoc::Options#finish
if an options instance was given.
For a list of options, see either RDoc::Options
or rdoc --help
By default, output will be stored in a directory called “doc” below the current directory, so make sure you’re somewhere writable before invoking.
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 113 def error(msg) raise RDoc::Error, msg end
Report an error message and exit
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 121 def gather_files files files = [@options.root.to_s] if files.empty? file_list = normalized_file_list files, true, @options.exclude file_list = remove_unparseable(file_list) if file_list.count {|name, mtime| file_list[name] = @last_modified[name] unless mtime mtime } > 0 @last_modified.replace file_list file_list.keys.sort else [] end end
Gathers a set of parseable files from the files and directories listed in files
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 502 def generate if @options.dry_run then # do nothing @generator.generate else Dir.chdir @options.op_dir do unless @options.quiet then $stderr.puts "\nGenerating #{^.*::/, '')} format into #{Dir.pwd}..." $stderr.puts "\nYou can visit the home page at: \e]8;;file://#{Dir.pwd}/index.html\e\\file://#{Dir.pwd}/index.html\e]8;;\e\\" end @generator.generate update_output_dir '.', @start_time, @last_modified end end end
Generates documentation for file_info
(from parse_files
) into the output dir using the generator selected by the RDoc options
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 142 def handle_pipe @html = @options parser = RDoc::Text::MARKUP_FORMAT[@options.markup] document = parser.parse $ out = @html.convert document $stdout.write out end
Turns RDoc from stdin into HTML
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 157 def install_siginfo_handler return unless Signal.list.include? 'INFO' @old_siginfo = trap 'INFO' do puts @current if @current end end
Installs a siginfo handler that prints the current filename.
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 314 def list_files_in_directory dir files = Dir.glob File.join(dir, "*") normalized_file_list files, false, @options.exclude end
Return a list of the files to be processed in a directory. We know that this directory doesn’t have a .document file, so we’re looking for real files. However we may well contain subdirectories which must be tested for .document files.
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 266 def normalized_file_list(relative_files, force_doc = false, exclude_pattern = nil) file_list = {} relative_files.each do |rel_file_name| rel_file_name = rel_file_name.sub(/^\.\//, '') next if rel_file_name.end_with? 'created.rid' next if exclude_pattern && exclude_pattern =~ rel_file_name stat = File.stat rel_file_name rescue next case type = stat.ftype when "file" then mtime = (stat.mtime unless (last_modified = @last_modified[rel_file_name] and stat.mtime.to_i <= last_modified.to_i)) if force_doc or RDoc::Parser.can_parse(rel_file_name) then file_list[rel_file_name] = mtime end when "directory" then next if UNCONDITIONALLY_SKIPPED_DIRECTORIES.include?(rel_file_name) basename = File.basename(rel_file_name) next if options.skip_tests && TEST_SUITE_DIRECTORY_NAMES.include?(basename) created_rid = File.join rel_file_name, "created.rid" next if File.file? created_rid dot_doc = File.join rel_file_name, RDoc::DOT_DOC_FILENAME if File.file? dot_doc then file_list.update(parse_dot_doc_file(rel_file_name, dot_doc)) else file_list.update(list_files_in_directory(rel_file_name)) end else warn "rdoc can't parse the #{type} #{rel_file_name}" end end file_list end
Given a list of files and directories, create a list of all the Ruby files they contain.
If force_doc
is true we always add the given files, if false, only add files that we guarantee we can parse. It is true when looking at files given on the command line, false when recursing through subdirectories.
The effect of this is that if you want a file with a non-standard extension parsed, you must name it explicitly.
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 231 def output_flag_file(op_dir) File.join op_dir, "created.rid" end
Return the path name of the flag file in an output directory.
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 240 def parse_dot_doc_file in_dir, filename # read and strip comments patterns =*/, '') result = {} patterns.split(' ').each do |patt| candidates = Dir.glob(File.join(in_dir, patt)) result.update normalized_file_list(candidates, false, @options.exclude) end result end
The .document file contains a list of file and directory name patterns, representing candidates for documentation. It may also contain comments (starting with ‘#’)
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 323 def parse_file filename encoding = @options.encoding filename = filename.encode encoding @stats.add_file filename return if RDoc::Parser.binary? filename content = RDoc::Encoding.read_file filename, encoding return unless content filename_path = Pathname(filename).expand_path begin relative_path = filename_path.relative_path_from @options.root rescue ArgumentError relative_path = filename_path end if @options.page_dir and relative_path.to_s.start_with? @options.page_dir.to_s then relative_path = relative_path.relative_path_from @options.page_dir end top_level = @store.add_file filename, relative_name: relative_path.to_s parser = RDoc::Parser.for top_level, content, @options, @stats return unless parser parser.scan # restart documentation for the classes & modules found top_level.classes_or_modules.each do |cm| cm.done_documenting = false end top_level rescue Errno::EACCES => e $stderr.puts <<-EOF Unable to read #{filename}, #{e.message} Please check the permissions for this file. Perhaps you do not have access to it or perhaps the original author's permissions are to restrictive. If the this is not your library please report a bug to the author. EOF rescue => e $stderr.puts <<-EOF Before reporting this, could you check that the file you're documenting has proper syntax: #{Gem.ruby} -c #{filename} RDoc is not a full Ruby parser and will fail when fed invalid ruby programs. The internal error was: \t(#{e.class}) #{e.message} EOF $stderr.puts e.backtrace.join("\n\t") if $DEBUG_RDOC raise e end
Parses filename
and returns an RDoc::TopLevel
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 394 def parse_files files file_list = gather_files files @stats = @store, file_list.length, @options.verbosity return [] if file_list.empty? # This workaround can be removed after the :main: directive is removed original_options = @options.dup @stats.begin_adding file_info = do |filename| @current = filename parse_file filename end.compact @store.resolve_c_superclasses @stats.done_adding @options = original_options file_info end
Parse each file on the command line, recursively entering directories.
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 522 def remove_siginfo_handler return unless Signal.list.key? 'INFO' handler = @old_siginfo || 'DEFAULT' trap 'INFO', handler end
Removes a siginfo handler and replaces the previous
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 421 def remove_unparseable files files.reject do |file, *| file =~ /\.(?:class|eps|erb|scpt\.txt|svg|ttf|yml)$/i or (file =~ /tags$/i and /\A(\f\n[^,]+,\d+$|!_TAG_)/.match?(File.binread(file, 100))) end end
Removes file extensions known to be unparseable from files
and TAGS files for emacs and vim.
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 170 def setup_output_dir(dir, force) flag_file = output_flag_file dir last = {} if @options.dry_run then # do nothing elsif File.exist? dir then error "#{dir} exists and is not a directory" unless dir begin flag_file do |io| unless force then Time.parse io.gets io.each do |line| file, time = line.split "\t", 2 time = Time.parse(time) rescue next last[file] = time end end end rescue SystemCallError, TypeError error <<-ERROR Directory #{dir} already exists, but it looks like it isn't an RDoc directory. Because RDoc doesn't want to risk destroying any of your existing files, you'll need to specify a different output directory name (using the --op <dir> option) ERROR end unless @options.force_output else FileUtils.mkdir_p dir FileUtils.touch flag_file end last end
Create an output dir if it doesn’t exist. If it does exist, but doesn’t contain the flag file created.rid
then we refuse to use it, as we may clobber some manually generated documentation
# File lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, line 214 def update_output_dir(op_dir, time, last = {}) return if @options.dry_run or not @options.update_output_dir unless ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'].nil? time =['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'].to_i).gmtime end output_flag_file(op_dir), "w" do |f| f.puts time.rfc2822 last.each do |n, t| f.puts "#{n}\t#{t.rfc2822}" end end end
Update the flag file in an output directory.