Macro definitions used throughout the prism library.
By default, we compile with -fvisibility=hidden.
Definition defines.h:53
The encoding interface and implementations used by the parser.
The parser used to parse Ruby source.
A custom memchr implementation.
A generic string type that can have various ownership semantics.
void(* pm_regexp_error_callback_t)(const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *end, const char *message, void *data)
This callback is called when a parse error is found.
Definition regexp.h:27
PRISM_EXPORTED_FUNCTION void pm_regexp_parse(pm_parser_t *parser, const uint8_t *source, size_t size, bool extended_mode, pm_regexp_name_callback_t name_callback, void *name_data, pm_regexp_error_callback_t error_callback, void *error_data)
Parse a regular expression.
Definition regexp.c:776
void(* pm_regexp_name_callback_t)(const pm_string_t *name, void *data)
This callback is called when a named capture group is found.
Definition regexp.h:22
This struct represents the overall parser.
Definition parser.h:640
A generic string type that can have various ownership semantics.
Definition pm_string.h:33