class Net::IMAP::SASL::DigestMD5Authenticator

Net::IMAP authenticator for the DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism type, specified in RFC-2831. See Net::IMAP#authenticate.


DIGEST-MD5” has been deprecated by RFC-6331 and should not be relied on for security. It is included for compatibility with existing servers.



Authentication identity: the identity that matches the password.

RFC-2831 uses the term username. “Authentication identity” is the generic term used by RFC-4422. RFC-4616 and many later RFCs abbreviate this to authcid.


Authorization identity: an identity to act as or on behalf of. The identity form is application protocol specific. If not provided or left blank, the server derives an authorization identity from the authentication identity. The server is responsible for verifying the client’s credentials and verifying that the identity it associates with the client’s authentication identity is allowed to act as (or on behalf of) the authorization identity.

For example, an administrator or superuser might take on another role:

imap.authenticate "DIGEST-MD5", "root", ->{passwd}, authzid: "user"

The charset sent by the server. “UTF-8” (case insensitive) is the only allowed value. nil should be interpreted as ISO 8859-1.


Fully qualified canonical DNS host name for the requested service.

Defaults to #realm.


nonce sent by the server


A password or passphrase that matches the username.

The password will be used to create the response digest.


qop-options sent by the server


A namespace or collection of identities which contains username.

Used by DIGEST-MD5, GSS-API, and NTLM. This is often a domain name that contains the name of the host performing the authentication.

Defaults to the last realm in the server-provided list of realms.


The service protocol, a registered GSSAPI service name, e.g. “imap”, “ldap”, or “xmpp”.

For Net::IMAP, the default is “imap” and should not be overridden. This must be set appropriately to use authenticators in other protocols.

If an IANA-registered name isn’t available, GSS-API (RFC-2743) allows the generic name “host”.


The generic server name when the server is replicated.

service_name will be ignored when it is nil or identical to host.

From RFC-2831:

The service is considered to be replicated if the client’s service-location process involves resolution using standard DNS lookup operations, and if these operations involve DNS records (such as SRV, or MX) which resolve one DNS name into a set of other DNS names. In this case, the initial name used by the client is the “serv-name”, and the final name is the “host” component.


Parameters sent by the server are stored in this hash.


Authentication identity: the identity that matches the password.

RFC-2831 uses the term username. “Authentication identity” is the generic term used by RFC-4422. RFC-4616 and many later RFCs abbreviate this to authcid.

Public Class Methods

new(username, password, authzid = nil, **options) → authenticator click to toggle source
new(username:, password:, authzid: nil, **options) → authenticator
new(authcid:, password:, authzid: nil, **options) → authenticator

Creates an Authenticator for the “DIGEST-MD5” SASL mechanism.

Called by Net::IMAP#authenticate and similar methods on other clients.


  • authcid ― Authentication identity that is associated with password.

    username ― An alias for authcid.

  • password ― A password or passphrase associated with this authcid.

  • optional authzid ― Authorization identity to act as or on behalf of.

    When authzid is not set, the server should derive the authorization identity from the authentication identity.

  • optional realm — A namespace for the username, e.g. a domain. Defaults to the last realm in the server-provided realms list.

  • optional host — FQDN for requested service. Defaults to realm.

  • optional service_name — The generic host name when the server is replicated.

  • optional service — the registered service protocol. E.g. “imap”, “smtp”, “ldap”, “xmpp”. For Net::IMAP, this defaults to “imap”.

  • optional warn_deprecation — Set to false to silence the warning.

Any other keyword arguments are silently ignored.

# File lib/net/imap/sasl/digest_md5_authenticator.rb, line 154
def initialize(user = nil, pass = nil, authz = nil,
               username: nil, password: nil, authzid: nil,
               authcid: nil, secret: nil,
               realm: nil, service: "imap", host: nil, service_name: nil,
               warn_deprecation: true, **)
  username = authcid || username || user or
    raise ArgumentError, "missing username (authcid)"
  password ||= secret || pass or raise ArgumentError, "missing password"
  authzid  ||= authz
  if warn_deprecation
    warn("WARNING: DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism was deprecated by RFC6331.",
         category: :deprecated)

  require "digest/md5"
  require "securerandom"
  require "strscan"
  @username, @password, @authzid = username, password, authzid
  @realm        = realm
  @host         = host
  @service      = service
  @service_name = service_name
  @nc, @stage = {}, STAGE_ONE

Public Instance Methods

digest_uri click to toggle source

From RFC-2831:

Indicates the principal name of the service with which the client wishes to connect, formed from the serv-type, host, and serv-name. For example, the FTP service on “” would have a “digest-uri” value of “ftp/”; the SMTP server from the example above would have a “digest-uri” value of “smtp/”.

# File lib/net/imap/sasl/digest_md5_authenticator.rb, line 186
def digest_uri
  if service_name && service_name != host
done? click to toggle source
# File lib/net/imap/sasl/digest_md5_authenticator.rb, line 246
def done?; @stage == STAGE_DONE end
initial_response? click to toggle source
# File lib/net/imap/sasl/digest_md5_authenticator.rb, line 194
def initial_response?; false end
process(challenge) click to toggle source

Responds to server challenge in two stages.

# File lib/net/imap/sasl/digest_md5_authenticator.rb, line 197
def process(challenge)
  case @stage
  when STAGE_ONE
    @stage = STAGE_TWO
    @sparams = parse_challenge(challenge)
    @qop     = sparams.key?("qop") ? ["auth"] : sparams["qop"].flatten
    @nonce   = sparams["nonce"]  &.first
    @charset = sparams["charset"]&.first
    @realm ||= sparams["realm"]  &.last
    @host  ||= realm

    if !qop.include?("auth")
      raise DataFormatError, "Server does not support auth (qop = %p)" % [
    elsif (emptykey = REQUIRED.find { sparams[_1].empty? })
      raise DataFormatError, "Server didn't send %s (%p)" % [emptykey, challenge]
    elsif (multikey = NO_MULTIPLES.find { sparams[_1].length > 1 })
      raise DataFormatError, "Server sent multiple %s (%p)" % [multikey, challenge]

    response = {
      nonce:        nonce,
      username:     username,
      realm:        realm,
      cnonce:       SecureRandom.base64(32),
      "digest-uri": digest_uri,
      qop:          "auth",
      maxbuf:       65535,
      nc:           "%08d" % nc(nonce),
      charset:      charset,

    response[:authzid] = @authzid unless @authzid.nil?

    response[:response] = response_value(response)
  when STAGE_TWO
    @stage = STAGE_DONE
    raise ResponseParseError, challenge unless challenge =~ /rspauth=/
    "" # if at the second stage, return an empty string
    raise ResponseParseError, challenge
rescue => error
  @stage = error