class Net::IMAP::FetchStruct

Net::IMAP::FetchStruct is the superclass for FetchData and UIDFetchData. Net::IMAP#fetch, Net::IMAP#uid_fetch, Net::IMAP#store, and Net::IMAP#uid_store all return arrays of FetchStruct objects.

Fetch attributes

See [IMAP4rev1 §7.4.2] and [IMAP4rev2 §7.5.2] for a full description of the standard fetch response data items, and Message envelope and body structure at Net::IMAP for other relevant RFCs.

Static fetch data items

Most message attributes are static, and must never change for a given (server, account, mailbox, UIDVALIDITY, UID) tuple.

The static fetch data items defined by both IMAP4rev1 and IMAP4rev2 are:

IMAP4rev2 adds the additional fetch items from the BINARY extension [RFC3516]:

Several static message attributes in IMAP4rev1 are obsolete and been removed from IMAP4rev2:

Net::IMAP supports static attributes defined by the following extensions:


Additional static fields are defined in other IMAP extensions, but Net::IMAP can’t parse them yet.

Dynamic message attributes

Some message attributes can be dynamically changed, for example using the STORE command.

The only dynamic message attribute defined by IMAP4rev1 and IMAP4rev2 is:

Net::IMAP supports dynamic attributes defined by the following extensions:


Additional dynamic fields are defined in other IMAP extensions, but Net::IMAP can’t parse them yet.

Implicitly setting \Seen and using PEEK

Unless the mailbox has been opened as read-only, fetching BODY[#{section}] or BINARY[#{section}] will implicitly set the \Seen flag. To avoid this, fetch using BODY.PEEK[#{section}] or BINARY.PEEK[#{section}] instead.


The data will always be returned without the ".PEEK" suffix, as BODY[#{specifier}] or BINARY[#{section}].