class Net::IMAP::Address

Net::IMAP::Address represents an electronic mail address, which has been parsed into its component parts by the server. Address objects are returned within Envelope fields.

Group syntax

When the host field is nil, this is a special form of address structure that indicates the [RFC5322] group syntax. If the mailbox name field is also nil, this is an end-of-group marker (semicolon in RFC-822 syntax). If the mailbox name field is non-NIL, this is the start of a group marker, and the mailbox name field holds the group name phrase.

Public Instance Methods

host → string or nil click to toggle source

Returns the [RFC5322] addr-spec domain name.

nil indicates [RFC5322] group syntax.

# File lib/net/imap/response_data.rb, line 733
mailbox → string or nil click to toggle source

Returns the [RFC5322] address local-part, if host is not nil.

When host is nil, this returns an [RFC5322] group name and a nil mailbox indicates the end of a group.

# File lib/net/imap/response_data.rb, line 722
name → string or nil click to toggle source

Returns the [RFC5322] address display-name (or the mailbox phrase in the RFC-822 grammar).

# File lib/net/imap/response_data.rb, line 705
route → string or nil click to toggle source

Returns the route from RFC-822 route-addr.


Generating this obsolete route addressing syntax is not allowed by [RFC5322]. However, addresses with this syntax must still be accepted and parsed.

# File lib/net/imap/response_data.rb, line 712