class Reline::Unicode
- EscapedPairs
Public Class Methods
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 98 def self.calculate_width(str, allow_escape_code = false) if allow_escape_code width = 0 rest = str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) in_zero_width = false rest.scan(WIDTH_SCANNER) do |non_printing_start, non_printing_end, csi, osc, gc| case when non_printing_start in_zero_width = true when non_printing_end in_zero_width = false when csi, osc when gc unless in_zero_width width += get_mbchar_width(gc) end end end width else str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8).grapheme_clusters.inject(0) { |w, gc| w + get_mbchar_width(gc) } end end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 387 def self.common_prefix(list, ignore_case: false) return '' if list.empty? common_prefix_gcs = list.first.grapheme_clusters list.each do |item| gcs = item.grapheme_clusters common_prefix_gcs = common_prefix_gcs.take_while.with_index do |gc, i| ignore_case ? gc.casecmp?(gcs[i]) : gc == gcs[i] end end common_prefix_gcs.join end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 292 def self.ed_transpose_words(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(0, byte_pointer).grapheme_clusters pos = gcs.size gcs += line.byteslice(byte_pointer..).grapheme_clusters pos += 1 while pos < gcs.size && !word_character?(gcs[pos]) if pos == gcs.size # 'aaa bbb [cursor] ' pos -= 1 while pos > 0 && !word_character?(gcs[pos - 1]) second_word_end = gcs.size else # 'aaa [cursor]bbb' pos += 1 while pos < gcs.size && word_character?(gcs[pos]) second_word_end = pos end pos -= 1 while pos > 0 && word_character?(gcs[pos - 1]) second_word_start = pos pos -= 1 while pos > 0 && !word_character?(gcs[pos - 1]) first_word_end = pos pos -= 1 while pos > 0 && word_character?(gcs[pos - 1]) first_word_start = pos [first_word_start, first_word_end, second_word_start, second_word_end].map do |idx| gcs.take(idx).sum(&:bytesize) end end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 278 def self.em_backward_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(0, byte_pointer).grapheme_clusters.reverse nonwords = gcs.take_while { |c| !word_character?(c) } words = gcs.drop(nonwords.size).take_while { |c| word_character?(c) } nonwords.sum(&:bytesize) + words.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 285 def self.em_big_backward_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(0, byte_pointer).grapheme_clusters.reverse spaces = gcs.take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } nonspaces = gcs.drop(spaces.size).take_while { |c| !space_character?(c) } spaces.sum(&:bytesize) + nonspaces.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 264 def self.em_forward_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(byte_pointer..).grapheme_clusters nonwords = gcs.take_while { |c| !word_character?(c) } words = gcs.drop(nonwords.size).take_while { |c| word_character?(c) } nonwords.sum(&:bytesize) + words.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 271 def self.em_forward_word_with_capitalization(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(byte_pointer..).grapheme_clusters nonwords = gcs.take_while { |c| !word_character?(c) } words = gcs.drop(nonwords.size).take_while { |c| word_character?(c) } [nonwords.sum(&:bytesize) + words.sum(&:bytesize), nonwords.join + words.join.capitalize] end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 44 def self.escape_for_print(str)! { |gr| case gr when -"\n" gr when -"\t" -' ' else EscapedPairs[gr.ord] || gr end }.join end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 75 def self.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) ord = mbchar.ord if ord <= 0x1F # in EscapedPairs return 2 elsif ord <= 0x7E # printable ASCII chars return 1 end utf8_mbchar = mbchar.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) ord = utf8_mbchar.ord chunk_index = EastAsianWidth::CHUNK_LAST.bsearch_index { |o| ord <= o } size = EastAsianWidth::CHUNK_WIDTH[chunk_index] if size == -1 Reline.ambiguous_width elsif size == 1 && utf8_mbchar.size >= 2 second_char_ord = utf8_mbchar[1].ord # Halfwidth Dakuten Handakuten # Only these two character has Letter Modifier category and can be combined in a single grapheme cluster (second_char_ord == 0xFF9E || second_char_ord == 0xFF9F) ? 2 : 1 else size end end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 250 def self.get_next_mbchar_size(line, byte_pointer) grapheme = line.byteslice(byte_pointer..-1).grapheme_clusters.first grapheme ? grapheme.bytesize : 0 end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 255 def self.get_prev_mbchar_size(line, byte_pointer) if 0 else grapheme = line.byteslice(0..(byte_pointer - 1)).grapheme_clusters.last grapheme ? grapheme.bytesize : 0 end end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 57 def self.safe_encode(str, encoding) # Reline only supports utf-8 convertible string. converted = str.encode(encoding, invalid: :replace, undef: :replace) return converted if str.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 || converted.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 || converted.ascii_only? # This code is essentially doing the same thing as # `str.encode(utf8, **replace_options).encode(encoding, **replace_options)` # but also avoids unnecessary irreversible encoding conversion. converted.gsub(/\X/) do |c| c.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) c rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError '?' end end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 412 def self.space_character?(s) s.match?(/\s/) if s end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 125 def self.split_by_width(str, max_width) lines = split_line_by_width(str, max_width) [lines, lines.size] end
This method is used by IRB
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 130 def self.split_line_by_width(str, max_width, encoding = str.encoding, offset: 0) lines = [ encoding)] width = offset rest = str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) in_zero_width = false seq = encoding) rest.scan(WIDTH_SCANNER) do |non_printing_start, non_printing_end, csi, osc, gc| case when non_printing_start in_zero_width = true when non_printing_end in_zero_width = false when csi lines.last << csi unless in_zero_width if csi == -"\e[m" || csi == -"\e[0m" seq.clear else seq << csi end end when osc lines.last << osc seq << osc unless in_zero_width when gc unless in_zero_width mbchar_width = get_mbchar_width(gc) if (width += mbchar_width) > max_width width = mbchar_width lines << seq.dup end end lines.last << gc end end # The cursor moves to next line in first if width == max_width lines << encoding) end lines end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 172 def self.strip_non_printing_start_end(prompt) prompt.gsub(/\x01([^\x02]*)(?:\x02|\z)/) { $1 } end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 181 def self.take_mbchar_range(str, start_col, width, cover_begin: false, cover_end: false, padding: false) chunk = str.encoding) end_col = start_col + width total_width = 0 rest = str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) in_zero_width = false chunk_start_col = nil chunk_end_col = nil has_csi = false rest.scan(WIDTH_SCANNER) do |non_printing_start, non_printing_end, csi, osc, gc| case when non_printing_start in_zero_width = true when non_printing_end in_zero_width = false when csi has_csi = true chunk << csi when osc chunk << osc when gc if in_zero_width chunk << gc next end mbchar_width = get_mbchar_width(gc) prev_width = total_width total_width += mbchar_width if (cover_begin || padding ? total_width <= start_col : prev_width < start_col) # Current character haven't reached start_col yet next elsif padding && !cover_begin && prev_width < start_col && start_col < total_width # Add preceding padding. This padding might have background color. chunk << ' ' chunk_start_col ||= start_col chunk_end_col = total_width next elsif (cover_end ? prev_width < end_col : total_width <= end_col) # Current character is in the range chunk << gc chunk_start_col ||= prev_width chunk_end_col = total_width break if total_width >= end_col else # Current character exceeds end_col if padding && end_col < total_width # Add succeeding padding. This padding might have background color. chunk << ' ' chunk_start_col ||= prev_width chunk_end_col = end_col end break end end end chunk_start_col ||= start_col chunk_end_col ||= start_col if padding && chunk_end_col < end_col # Append padding. This padding should not include background color. chunk << "\e[0m" if has_csi chunk << ' ' * (end_col - chunk_end_col) chunk_end_col = end_col end [chunk, chunk_start_col, chunk_end_col - chunk_start_col] end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 177 def self.take_range(str, start_col, max_width) take_mbchar_range(str, start_col, max_width).first end
Take a chunk of a String cut by width with escape sequences.
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 378 def self.vi_backward_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(0, byte_pointer).grapheme_clusters.reverse spaces = gcs.take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } gcs.shift(spaces.size) start_with_word = word_character?(gcs.first) matched = gcs.take_while { |c| start_with_word ? word_character?(c) : !word_character?(c) && !space_character?(c) } spaces.sum(&:bytesize) + matched.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 333 def self.vi_big_backward_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(0, byte_pointer).grapheme_clusters.reverse spaces = gcs.take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } nonspaces = gcs.drop(spaces.size).take_while { |c| !space_character?(c) } spaces.sum(&:bytesize) + nonspaces.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 323 def self.vi_big_forward_end_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(byte_pointer..).grapheme_clusters first = gcs.shift(1) spaces = gcs.take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } nonspaces = gcs.drop(spaces.size).take_while { |c| !space_character?(c) } matched = spaces + nonspaces matched.pop first.sum(&:bytesize) + matched.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 316 def self.vi_big_forward_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(byte_pointer..).grapheme_clusters nonspaces = gcs.take_while { |c| !space_character?(c) } spaces = gcs.drop(nonspaces.size).take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } nonspaces.sum(&:bytesize) + spaces.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 400 def self.vi_first_print(line) gcs = line.grapheme_clusters spaces = gcs.take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } spaces.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 360 def self.vi_forward_end_word(line, byte_pointer) gcs = line.byteslice(byte_pointer..).grapheme_clusters return 0 if gcs.empty? return gcs.first.bytesize if gcs.size == 1 start = gcs.shift skips = [start] if space_character?(start) || space_character?(gcs.first) spaces = gcs.take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } skips += spaces gcs.shift(spaces.size) end start_with_word = word_character?(gcs.first) matched = gcs.take_while { |c| start_with_word ? word_character?(c) : !word_character?(c) && !space_character?(c) } matched.pop skips.sum(&:bytesize) + matched.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 340 def self.vi_forward_word(line, byte_pointer, drop_terminate_spaces = false) gcs = line.byteslice(byte_pointer..).grapheme_clusters return 0 if gcs.empty? c = gcs.first matched = if word_character?(c) gcs.take_while { |c| word_character?(c) } elsif space_character?(c) gcs.take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } else gcs.take_while { |c| !word_character?(c) && !space_character?(c) } end return matched.sum(&:bytesize) if drop_terminate_spaces spaces = gcs.drop(matched.size).take_while { |c| space_character?(c) } matched.sum(&:bytesize) + spaces.sum(&:bytesize) end
# File lib/reline/unicode.rb, line 406 def self.word_character?(s) s.encode(Encoding::UTF_8).match?(/\p{Word}/) if s rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError false end