class Prism::Translation::Parser::Lexer
Accepts a list of prism tokens and converts them into the expected format for the parser gem.
Types of tokens that are allowed to continue a method call with comments in-between. For these, the parser gem doesn’t emit a newline token after the last comment.
When one of these delimiters is encountered, then the other one is allowed to be escaped as well.
Escape sequences that have special and should appear unescaped in the resulting string.
- HeredocData
Heredocs are complex and require us to keep track of a bit of info to refer to later
It is used to determine whether
is of the token typekDO
.NOTE: In edge cases like
-> (foo = -> (bar) {}) do end
, please note thatkDO
is still returned instead ofkDO_LAMBDA
, which is expected: - LPAREN_CONVERSION_TOKEN_TYPES
token inPrism
is classified as eithertLPAREN
in theParser
gem. The following token types are listed as those classified astLPAREN
The direct translating of types between the two lexers.
These tokens are always skipped
An array of tuples that contain prism tokens and their associated lex state when they were lexed.
A hash that maps offsets in bytes to offsets in characters.
The Parser::Source::Buffer that the tokens were lexed from.
Public Class Methods
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 229 def initialize(source_buffer, lexed, offset_cache) @source_buffer = source_buffer @lexed = lexed @offset_cache = offset_cache end
Initialize the lexer with the given source buffer, prism tokens, and offset cache.
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 239 def to_a tokens = [] index = 0 length = lexed.length heredoc_stack = [] quote_stack = [] # The parser gem emits the newline tokens for comments out of order. This saves # that token location to emit at a later time to properly line everything up. # comment_newline_location = nil while index < length token, state = lexed[index] index += 1 next if TYPES_ALWAYS_SKIP.include?(token.type) type = TYPES.fetch(token.type) value = token.value location = range(token.location.start_offset, token.location.end_offset) case type when :kDO nearest_lambda_token = tokens.reverse_each.find do |token| LAMBDA_TOKEN_TYPES.include?(token.first) end if nearest_lambda_token&.first == :tLAMBDA type = :kDO_LAMBDA end when :tCHARACTER value.delete_prefix!("?") # Character literals behave similar to double-quoted strings. We can use the same escaping mechanism. value = unescape_string(value, "?") when :tCOMMENT if token.type == :EMBDOC_BEGIN while !((next_token = lexed[index][0]) && next_token.type == :EMBDOC_END) && (index < length - 1) value += next_token.value index += 1 end value += next_token.value location = range(token.location.start_offset, lexed[index][0].location.end_offset) index += 1 else is_at_eol = value.chomp!.nil? location = range(token.location.start_offset, token.location.end_offset + (is_at_eol ? 0 : -1)) prev_token = lexed[index - 2][0] if index - 2 >= 0 next_token = lexed[index][0] is_inline_comment = prev_token&.location&.start_line == token.location.start_line if is_inline_comment && !is_at_eol && !COMMENT_CONTINUATION_TYPES.include?(next_token&.type) tokens << [:tCOMMENT, [value, location]] nl_location = range(token.location.end_offset - 1, token.location.end_offset) tokens << [:tNL, [nil, nl_location]] next elsif is_inline_comment && next_token&.type == :COMMENT comment_newline_location = range(token.location.end_offset - 1, token.location.end_offset) elsif comment_newline_location && !COMMENT_CONTINUATION_TYPES.include?(next_token&.type) tokens << [:tCOMMENT, [value, location]] tokens << [:tNL, [nil, comment_newline_location]] comment_newline_location = nil next end end when :tNL next_token = next_token = lexed[index][0] # Newlines after comments are emitted out of order. if next_token&.type == :COMMENT comment_newline_location = location next end value = nil when :tFLOAT value = parse_float(value) when :tIMAGINARY value = parse_complex(value) when :tINTEGER if value.start_with?("+") tokens << [:tUNARY_NUM, ["+", range(token.location.start_offset, token.location.start_offset + 1)]] location = range(token.location.start_offset + 1, token.location.end_offset) end value = parse_integer(value) when :tLABEL value.chomp!(":") when :tLABEL_END value.chomp!(":") when :tLCURLY type = :tLBRACE if state == EXPR_BEG | EXPR_LABEL when :tLPAREN2 type = :tLPAREN if tokens.empty? || LPAREN_CONVERSION_TOKEN_TYPES.include?(tokens.dig(-1, 0)) when :tNTH_REF value = parse_integer(value.delete_prefix("$")) when :tOP_ASGN value.chomp!("=") when :tRATIONAL value = parse_rational(value) when :tSPACE location = range(token.location.start_offset, token.location.start_offset + percent_array_leading_whitespace(value)) value = nil when :tSTRING_BEG next_token = lexed[index][0] next_next_token = lexed[index + 1][0] basic_quotes = value == '"' || value == "'" if basic_quotes && next_token&.type == :STRING_END next_location = token.location.join(next_token.location) type = :tSTRING value = "" location = range(next_location.start_offset, next_location.end_offset) index += 1 elsif value.start_with?("'", '"', "%") if next_token&.type == :STRING_CONTENT && next_next_token&.type == :STRING_END string_value = next_token.value if simplify_string?(string_value, value) next_location = token.location.join(next_next_token.location) if percent_array?(value) value = percent_array_unescape(string_value) else value = unescape_string(string_value, value) end type = :tSTRING location = range(next_location.start_offset, next_location.end_offset) index += 2 tokens << [type, [value, location]] next end end quote_stack.push(value) elsif token.type == :HEREDOC_START quote = value[2] == "-" || value[2] == "~" ? value[3] : value[2] heredoc_type = value[2] == "-" || value[2] == "~" ? value[2] : "" heredoc = identifier: value.match(/<<[-~]?["'`]?(?<heredoc_identifier>.*?)["'`]?\z/)[:heredoc_identifier], common_whitespace: 0, ) if quote == "`" type = :tXSTRING_BEG end # The parser gem trims whitespace from squiggly heredocs. We must record # the most common whitespace to later remove. if heredoc_type == "~" || heredoc_type == "`" heredoc.common_whitespace = calculate_heredoc_whitespace(index) end if quote == "'" || quote == '"' || quote == "`" value = "<<#{quote}" else value = '<<"' end heredoc_stack.push(heredoc) quote_stack.push(value) end when :tSTRING_CONTENT is_percent_array = percent_array?(quote_stack.last) if (lines = token.value.lines).one? # Prism usually emits a single token for strings with line continuations. # For squiggly heredocs they are not joined so we do that manually here. current_string = +"" current_length = 0 start_offset = token.location.start_offset while token.type == :STRING_CONTENT current_length += token.value.bytesize # Heredoc interpolation can have multiple STRING_CONTENT nodes on the same line. is_first_token_on_line = lexed[index - 1] && token.location.start_line != lexed[index - 2][0].location&.start_line # The parser gem only removes indentation when the heredoc is not nested not_nested = heredoc_stack.size == 1 if is_percent_array value = percent_array_unescape(token.value) elsif is_first_token_on_line && not_nested && (current_heredoc = heredoc_stack.last).common_whitespace > 0 value = trim_heredoc_whitespace(token.value, current_heredoc) end current_string << unescape_string(value, quote_stack.last) if (backslash_count = token.value[/(\\{1,})\n/, 1]&.length).nil? || backslash_count.even? || !interpolation?(quote_stack.last) tokens << [:tSTRING_CONTENT, [current_string, range(start_offset, start_offset + current_length)]] break end token = lexed[index][0] index += 1 end else # When the parser gem encounters a line continuation inside of a multiline string, # it emits a single string node. The backslash (and remaining newline) is removed. current_line = +"" adjustment = 0 start_offset = token.location.start_offset emit = false lines.each.with_index do |line, index| chomped_line = line.chomp backslash_count = chomped_line[/\\{1,}\z/]&.length || 0 is_interpolation = interpolation?(quote_stack.last) if backslash_count.odd? && (is_interpolation || is_percent_array) if is_percent_array current_line << percent_array_unescape(line) adjustment += 1 else chomped_line.delete_suffix!("\\") current_line << chomped_line adjustment += 2 end # If the string ends with a line continuation emit the remainder emit = index == lines.count - 1 else current_line << line emit = true end if emit end_offset = start_offset + current_line.bytesize + adjustment tokens << [:tSTRING_CONTENT, [unescape_string(current_line, quote_stack.last), range(start_offset, end_offset)]] start_offset = end_offset current_line = +"" adjustment = 0 end end end next when :tSTRING_DVAR value = nil when :tSTRING_END if token.type == :HEREDOC_END && value.end_with?("\n") newline_length = value.end_with?("\r\n") ? 2 : 1 value = heredoc_stack.pop.identifier location = range(token.location.start_offset, token.location.end_offset - newline_length) elsif token.type == :REGEXP_END value = value[0] location = range(token.location.start_offset, token.location.start_offset + 1) end if percent_array?(quote_stack.pop) prev_token = lexed[index - 2][0] if index - 2 >= 0 empty = %i[PERCENT_LOWER_I PERCENT_LOWER_W PERCENT_UPPER_I PERCENT_UPPER_W].include?(prev_token&.type) ends_with_whitespace = prev_token&.type == :WORDS_SEP # parser always emits a space token after content in a percent array, even if no actual whitespace is present. if !empty && !ends_with_whitespace tokens << [:tSPACE, [nil, range(token.location.start_offset, token.location.start_offset)]] end end when :tSYMBEG if (next_token = lexed[index][0]) && next_token.type != :STRING_CONTENT && next_token.type != :EMBEXPR_BEGIN && next_token.type != :EMBVAR && next_token.type != :STRING_END next_location = token.location.join(next_token.location) type = :tSYMBOL value = next_token.value value = { "~@" => "~", "!@" => "!" }.fetch(value, value) location = range(next_location.start_offset, next_location.end_offset) index += 1 else quote_stack.push(value) end when :tFID if !tokens.empty? && tokens.dig(-1, 0) == :kDEF type = :tIDENTIFIER end when :tXSTRING_BEG if (next_token = lexed[index][0]) && !%i[STRING_CONTENT STRING_END EMBEXPR_BEGIN].include?(next_token.type) # self.`() type = :tBACK_REF2 end quote_stack.push(value) when :tSYMBOLS_BEG, :tQSYMBOLS_BEG, :tWORDS_BEG, :tQWORDS_BEG if (next_token = lexed[index][0]) && next_token.type == :WORDS_SEP index += 1 end quote_stack.push(value) when :tREGEXP_BEG quote_stack.push(value) end tokens << [type, [value, location]] if token.type == :REGEXP_END tokens << [:tREGEXP_OPT, [token.value[1..], range(token.location.start_offset + 1, token.location.end_offset)]] end end tokens end
Convert the prism tokens into the expected format for the parser gem.
Private Instance Methods
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 585 def calculate_heredoc_whitespace(heredoc_token_index) next_token_index = heredoc_token_index nesting_level = 0 previous_line = -1 result = Float::MAX while (lexed[next_token_index] && next_token = lexed[next_token_index][0]) next_token_index += 1 next_next_token = lexed[next_token_index] && lexed[next_token_index][0] first_token_on_line = next_token.location.start_column == 0 # String content inside nested heredocs and interpolation is ignored if next_token.type == :HEREDOC_START || next_token.type == :EMBEXPR_BEGIN # When interpolation is the first token of a line there is no string # content to check against. There will be no common whitespace. if nesting_level == 0 && first_token_on_line result = 0 end nesting_level += 1 elsif next_token.type == :HEREDOC_END || next_token.type == :EMBEXPR_END nesting_level -= 1 # When we encountered the matching heredoc end, we can exit break if nesting_level == -1 elsif next_token.type == :STRING_CONTENT && nesting_level == 0 && first_token_on_line common_whitespace = 0 next_token.value[/^\s*/].each_char do |char| if char == "\t" common_whitespace = (common_whitespace / 8 + 1) * 8; else common_whitespace += 1 end end is_first_token_on_line = next_token.location.start_line != previous_line # Whitespace is significant if followed by interpolation whitespace_only = common_whitespace == next_token.value.length && next_next_token&.location&.start_line != next_token.location.start_line if is_first_token_on_line && !whitespace_only && common_whitespace < result result = common_whitespace previous_line = next_token.location.start_line end end end result end
Wonky heredoc tab/spaces rules.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 727 def escape_build(value, control, meta) value &= 0x9f if control value |= 0x80 if meta value end
Escape a byte value, given the control and meta flags.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 735 def escape_read(result, scanner, control, meta) if scanner.skip("\n") # Line continuation elsif (value = ESCAPES[scanner.peek(1)]) # Simple single-character escape sequences like \n result.append_as_bytes(value) scanner.pos += 1 elsif (value = scanner.scan(/[0-7]{1,3}/)) # \nnn result.append_as_bytes(escape_build(value.to_i(8), control, meta)) elsif (value = scanner.scan(/x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}/)) # \xnn result.append_as_bytes(escape_build(value[1..].to_i(16), control, meta)) elsif (value = scanner.scan(/u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/)) # \unnnn result.append_as_bytes(value[1..].hex.chr(Encoding::UTF_8)) elsif scanner.skip("u{}") # elsif (value = scanner.scan(/u{.*?}/)) # \u{nnnn ...} value[2..-2].split.each do |unicode| result.append_as_bytes(unicode.hex.chr(Encoding::UTF_8)) end elsif (value = scanner.scan(/c\\?(?=[[:print:]])|C-\\?(?=[[:print:]])/)) # \cx or \C-x where x is an ASCII printable character escape_read(result, scanner, true, meta) elsif (value = scanner.scan(/M-\\?(?=[[:print:]])/)) # \M-x where x is an ASCII printable character escape_read(result, scanner, control, true) elsif (byte = scanner.get_byte) # Something else after an escape. if control && byte == "?" result.append_as_bytes(escape_build(0x7f, false, meta)) else result.append_as_bytes(escape_build(byte.ord, control, meta)) end end end
Read an escape out of the string scanner, given the control and meta flags, and push the unescaped value into the result.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 796 def interpolation?(quote) !quote.end_with?("'") && !quote.start_with?("%q", "%w", "%i", "%s") end
Determine if characters preceeded by a backslash should be escaped or not
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 556 def parse_complex(value) value.chomp!("i") if value.end_with?("r") Complex(0, parse_rational(value)) elsif value.start_with?(/0[BbOoDdXx]/) Complex(0, parse_integer(value)) else Complex(0, value) end rescue ArgumentError 0i end
Parse a complex from the string representation.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 549 def parse_float(value) Float(value) rescue ArgumentError 0.0 end
Parse a float from the string representation.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 542 def parse_integer(value) Integer(value) rescue ArgumentError 0 end
Parse an integer from the string representation.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 571 def parse_rational(value) value.chomp!("r") if value.start_with?(/0[BbOoDdXx]/) Rational(parse_integer(value)) else Rational(value) end rescue ArgumentError 0r end
Parse a rational from the string representation.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 806 def percent_array?(quote) quote.start_with?("%w", "%W", "%i", "%I") end
Determine if the string is part of a %-style array.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 784 def percent_array_leading_whitespace(string) return 1 if string.start_with?("\n") leading_whitespace = 0 string.each_char do |c| break if c == "\n" leading_whitespace += 1 end leading_whitespace end
For %-arrays whitespace, the parser gem only considers whitespace before the newline.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 776 def percent_array_unescape(string) string.gsub(/(\\)+[ \f\n\r\t\v]/) do |full_match| full_match.delete_prefix!("\\") if Regexp.last_match[1].length.odd? full_match end end
In a percent array, certain whitespace can be preceeded with a backslash, causing the following characters to be part of the previous element.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 537 def range(start_offset, end_offset), offset_cache[start_offset], offset_cache[end_offset]) end
Creates a new parser range, taking prisms byte offsets into account
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 801 def regexp?(quote) quote == "/" || quote.start_with?("%r") end
Regexp allow interpolation but are handled differently during unescaping
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 710 def simplify_string?(value, quote) case quote when "'" # Only simplify 'foo' !value.include?("\n") when '"' # Simplify when every line ends with a line continuation, or it is the last line value.lines.all? do |line| !line.end_with?("\n") || line[/(\\*)$/, 1]&.length&.odd? end else # %q and similar are never simplified false end end
Certain strings are merged into a single string token.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 632 def trim_heredoc_whitespace(string, heredoc) trimmed_whitespace = 0 trimmed_characters = 0 while (string[trimmed_characters] == "\t" || string[trimmed_characters] == " ") && trimmed_whitespace < heredoc.common_whitespace if string[trimmed_characters] == "\t" trimmed_whitespace = (trimmed_whitespace / 8 + 1) * 8; break if trimmed_whitespace > heredoc.common_whitespace else trimmed_whitespace += 1 end trimmed_characters += 1 end string[trimmed_characters..] end
Wonky heredoc tab/spaces rules.
# File lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb, line 667 def unescape_string(string, quote) # In single-quoted heredocs, everything is taken literally. return string if quote == "<<'" # OPTIMIZATION: Assume that few strings need escaping to speed up the common case. return string unless string.include?("\\") # Enclosing character for the string. `"` for `"foo"`, `{` for `%w{foo}`, etc. delimiter = quote[-1] if regexp?(quote) # Should be escaped handled to single-quoted heredocs. The only character that is # allowed to be escaped is the delimiter, except when that also has special meaning # in the regexp. Since all the symetry delimiters have special meaning, they don't need # to be considered separately. if REGEXP_META_CHARACTERS.include?(delimiter) string else # There can never be an even amount of backslashes. It would be a syntax error. string.gsub(/\\(#{Regexp.escape(delimiter)})/, '\1') end elsif interpolation?(quote) # Appending individual escape sequences may force the string out of its intended # encoding. Start out with binary and force it back later. result = "".b scanner = while (skipped = scanner.skip_until(/\\/)) # Append what was just skipped over, excluding the found backslash. result.append_as_bytes(string.byteslice(scanner.pos - skipped, skipped - 1)) escape_read(result, scanner, false, false) end # Add remaining chars result.append_as_bytes(string.byteslice(scanner.pos..)) result.force_encoding(source_buffer.source.encoding) else delimiters = Regexp.escape("#{delimiter}#{DELIMITER_SYMETRY[delimiter]}") string.gsub(/\\([\\#{delimiters}])/, '\1') end end
Apply Ruby string escaping rules